15 Ways To Stay Connected With Your Customers

Itzel Fonseca

7 mins read

With all the social media platforms and online tools available, it’s also easier than ever for any business to stay in touch with their dear shoppers. And in this article, we’ll go over 15 different ways you can keep your customers close and possibly turn them into loyal, lifelong fans of your brand.

Attracting paying customers is only half the battle for ecommerce businesses. The other half is ensuring that those customers keep coming back.

Thanks to the internet, customers now have more choices than ever before, which means that brands have to work even harder to keep them coming back.

Why Stay In Touch With Your Customers?

Aside from the fact that the competition in the ecommerce world only gets fiercer by the day, there are several other reasons why you should make an effort to stay in touch with your customers.

For instance, it’s a well-known truth that it costs five times more to attract a new customer than it does to keep an existing one. So, by building relationships with your customers and providing them with excellent customer service, you can not only save a lot of money but also ensure that your business keeps growing.

Another reason to keep your customers close is that happy customers are often your best marketing tools. They can help spread the word about your business to their friends and family, which can result in even more customers for you. And finally, by staying in touch with your customers, you can get valuable feedback that can help you continue improving your business in the long run.

Now that we’ve gone over some of the reasons why staying in touch with your customers is so important, let’s finally take a look at how you can actually do it.

Engage with Your Customers on Review Sites

Engage with Your Customers on Review Sites, How To Stay Connected With Your Customers

The most basic and easiest way to stay connected with your customers is to engage with them on review sites. Whenever someone leaves a review, make sure to respond—even if it’s just a simple “thank you for your feedback.”

This shows that you are active on the site and that you care about what your customers have to say. It’s also a good opportunity to address any negative reviews and turn them into positive experiences. In fact, ReviewTrackers’ 2022 report reveals that 53% of shoppers expect replies to their bad reviews within a week.

Furthermore, an Uberall research shows that a reply rate of 30% is the key for brands to attract more consumers and outdo their competitors. So, if you’re not replying to reviews yet, now would be a good time to start scrolling through your website, and Yelp or Google My Business listings.

Send a Follow-Up Email After a Purchase

Another way to stay connected with your customers is to send a follow-up email after they make a purchase. This is an opportunity to thank them for their business and offer them a coupon or discount for their next purchase.

You can also use this follow-up email to ask them how they liked the product they bought and if they have any suggestions on how you can improve your offerings. This type of feedback is invaluable as it can help you make the necessary changes to ensure that your customers are happy with their purchase.

Host Virtual and In-Person Events

Now that lockdowns and restrictions have decreased, you can start hosting events again—both in-person and online. You can use these events as an opportunity to get to know your customers better and bond with them over shared interests. For example, if your niche revolves around music, you can host a virtual concert or an in-person gig at a local bar.

You can also use these events to launch new products, offer exclusive discounts, or simply show your customers a good time. No matter what type of event you host, make sure to document it well and post about it on your social media channels. This way, even those who couldn’t attend will feel like they were there.

Organize Shows and Events with Other Brands

If you want to make your events more fun and engaging, you can team up with other brands in your niche. This way, you can pool your resources and come up with a truly spectacular event that your customers will love. For example, you can team up with a clothing brand and host a fashion show or work with beauty brands and put on a makeover or makeup tutorial popup event.

Not only will this make your events more enjoyable for your customers, but it will also help you forge relationships with other businesses in your industry. These relationships can come in handy down the road, so make sure to nurture them as much as you can!

Keep Your Social Media Pages Updated

Going back to online platforms, another great way to stay connected with your customers is to keep your social media pages updated. Post about your new products, share helpful tips and advice, and run engaging social media campaigns.

You can also use social media to give your customers a behind-the-scenes look at your business. This humanizes your brand and makes your customers feel like they are part of your story. In turn, this can lead to brand loyalty and customer retention.

Post Relevant and Engaging Content on Your Blog

If you have a website or a blog, make sure to post relevant and engaging content on a regular basis. This will show your customers that you are always on the lookout for new and interesting topics to discuss. Additionally, it will also help you build a rapport with your customers as they will start to see you as an expert in your field.

When posting on your blog, make sure to use relevant keywords so that your articles can be easily found by those who are looking for them. You can also promote your blog posts on your social media channels to reach a wider audience.

Start a Newsletter

Of course, you can also stay connected with your customers by starting a newsletter. This is a great way to share exclusive deals, product launches, and helpful tips and advice with your customers. You can also use your newsletter to promote your blog posts or share interesting articles that you think your customers will enjoy.

Create a Podcast Channel

15 Ways To Stay Connected With Your Customers: Start a podcast

If you’re the type of person who loves talking, then you can start your own podcast channel. This is a great way to share your thoughts and ideas with your customers in a more personal way. You can discuss a wide range of topics on your podcast, from your niche to current affairs.

You can also invite other brand owners as guests or even your customers themselves to talk about things related to your niche. For example, if your business is all about selling empowering accessories and statement clothing for women, you can invite your customers to talk about topics like body confidence, self-love, and women in the workplace.

No matter what type of content you decide to share, make sure that it is engaging and informative. This way, your customers will keep coming back for more!

Launch a Discord Server

If you’re marketing to a smaller, more tight-knit community, then you can launch your own Discord server. This is a great way to create a space where your customers can hang out, chat, and share ideas. You can also use your Discord server to run polls, give out exclusive discounts, and launch new products.

To make sure, however, that the space remains positive and constructive, you will need to moderate it regularly. Make sure to set up clear guidelines and rules so that everyone knows what is expected of them.

Create a Subreddit for Your Followers

Similar to creating a Discord server, you can also make a subreddit for your followers. This is a great way to build a community around your brand and give your customers a place to interact with each other.

Just make sure that your target audience is active on Reddit before you create a subreddit for your business. This way, you can be sure that there will be people who are interested in joining and participating in the community.

Build a Facebook or LinkedIn Group

Another way to build a community around your brand and stay in touch with your loyal customers is to create a Facebook or LinkedIn group. This is a great way to share content related to your business, as well as get feedback from your customers.

You can also use your group to host small events that are exclusively for your customers, such as webinars, Q&As, or product launches. This is a great way to make your customers feel special and appreciated.

Start Vlogging

If you want to show your customers a behind-the-scenes look at your business and share your own insights, then you can start vlogging. This is a great way to connect with your customers on a more personal level and give them a peek into your life.

You can do this by starting your own YouTube channel and sharing weekly or monthly vlogs. You can also use your vlogs to promote your products and partner with influencers or other businesses in your niche by doing interviews or collaborations.

Launch a TikTok Series

If you’re more into short-form content, then you can launch your own TikTok series. This is a great way to show off your products and your brand’s personality in a fun and creative way. For example, you can launch a mini-series of videos that show your customers how to style your products or use them in different ways.

You can also use your TikTok series to host giveaways and contests for your customers. This is a great way to increase engagement and loyalty among your customer base.

Create Branded Chat Stickers

Create Branded Chat Stickers

If you want your customers to remember your brand every time they use their phones, then you can create branded chat stickers. This is a great way to get your customers to interact with your brand on a more personal level.

You can create your own stickers for messaging apps like WhatsApp and Telegram on platforms like Canva and Sticker Maker. Aside from simply making designs with your logo, you can also create stickers that represent your brand’s personality. For example, if you’re a fun and quirky brand, then you can create playful and humorous stickers with meme references that your customers can use in their chats.

Heart, Reply, and Share Customer Content

Last, but definitely not least, one of the best ways to connect with your customers is to show them that you care. You can do this by regularly liking, commenting, and sharing their content related to your brand. This includes their mentions of you on social media, as well as their comments to your posts, and story replies.

While this can be among the easiest ways to connect with your customers, it’s also one of the most effective. Simply put, customers love it when brands show that they’re paying attention to them. Imagine how you would feel if your favorite brand suddenly started liking and sharing your mentions and comments. It would definitely make you feel appreciated, right?

Here’s to Building Customer Relationships that Last!

Enticing customers is sure to result in sales but keeping in touch with them is what will turn one-time buyers into lifelong fans. Whether you use your existing social media platforms or go the extra mile and try out other marketing channels, remember to focus on creating content that will make your customers feel that you care.

With the right mix of content and sincerity, you’re sure to build customer relationships that not only increase sales but also result in customers who are happy to return and continue doing business with you for years to come!

For more marketing and e-commerce tips and tricks for POD sellers, check out the Awkward Styles’ blog.

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