Creating Awareness for Breast Cancer: Tips for POD Businesses

Alex Galindo

6 mins read

Share, Sell, Support

While print on demand businesses are mostly about designing merch and selling them online, you can always go beyond your usual operations and do something that can benefit not only your customers but also a great cause.

Every year, one of the most anticipated global events is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It is an annual campaign that aims to increase awareness of the disease and to raise funds for research, education, and support services.

In this article, we’ll be discussing how your print on demand store can take part in this year’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month and support the cause. Let’s begin!

Breast Cancer Awareness Month Fast Facts

Before we get into the how’s, let’s have a quick look at some facts about Breast Cancer Awareness Month:

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Also known as the Pink Month, the whole period of October 1 to October 31 is set aside annually to bring awareness to the disease. It is a product of the global effort of several organizations and groups to potentially save countless lives by encouraging early detection and treatment of breast cancer.

Every year, people from all over the world show their solidarity by wearing pink ribbons and participating in pink-themed activities. Businesses also turn their lights to pink, and landmarks are illuminated in pink to show support. NGOs and charities also launch campaigns and fundraising events to raise money for the cause.

Breast Cancer is Next to Lung Cancer as the Leading Cause of Cancer Related Deaths Among Women

According to the American Cancer Society, the disease comes second to lung cancer as the deadliest type of cancer that affects women. In fact, a woman with this condition has around 1 in 39 chances of dying from it.

About Over 40,000 Women in the US Die Each Year From Breast Cancer

Speaking of deaths, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that more than 250,000 women in the US develop breast cancer every year. Out of this number, around 42,000 die from the illness.

Why Should You Care and Be Involved?

Given all these facts and figures, it’s impossible not to be moved and inspired to do something to help. But in case you’re still wondering why you should care deeper and get your business involved, here are some good reasons:

Anyone Can Get Breast Cancer

While women are more prone to developing the disease, men are not exempted. In fact, this 2022, over 2,700 men in the US are projected to be diagnosed with breast cancer.

That’s right. Breast cancer knows no gender, age, or social status. It can affect anyone, even children. This is why it’s important for everyone to be more vigilant, and to know the symptoms and risk factors of the disease.

It’s a Real Problem That’s Only Getting Bigger

With all the deaths recorded each year, it’s impossible not to think that breast cancer is a real problem. In fact, it’s one of the most common types of cancer, and the number of new cases is expected to rise in the coming years.

This only goes to show that there’s a need to do something about it, and to support the cause however we can.

Your Brand and Influence Can Help Make Ripple Effects

Whether you have hundreds of thousands or just a few hundred followers on social media, you can use your platform and influence to raise awareness about breast cancer. Furthermore, your loyal customers and fans would be more than happy to support a cause that’s close to your heart.

Just imagine the ripple effects your brand can create by simply being involved in Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Not only will you be helping to increase awareness, but you’ll also be building a stronger connection with your customers who can further help spread the word or even benefit from your campaigns.

Ways Your Can Show Support Through Your POD Business

Now, how exactly can you use your brand and POD business to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month?

Here are some ideas:


When it comes to initiatives like these, information is your most powerful ally. This is why one of the best things you can do is to share relevant information about breast cancer with your audience.

Be Informed and Share What You Know

To be able to do this effectively, you need to be well-informed about the disease first. Do your research, and read up on the latest information and developments about breast cancer. You can even go the extra mile and interview organizations or personalities who are knowledgeable about the topic or have been personally affected by the disease.

Afterwards, share what you’ve learned with your audience through blog posts, social media updates, or even podcasts. Not only will you be able to help increase awareness, but you’ll also be able to provide valuable information that your followers can use.

Let Your Followers Know About the Organizations and Causes They Can Support

Apart from the facts and figures, another thing you can share with your audience are the different organizations and causes they can support such as the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. or even a local one in your area or university.

This can give them that much-needed push to actually do something and get involved in the cause.

Share Stories of Hope, Progress, and Survival

If your niche or target market happens to be women or even men who have been affected by breast cancer, then you can also use your platform to share their stories. This can help increase awareness about the disease while also providing hope and inspiration to your audience.

Stories of progress and survival are especially powerful in leaving a lasting impression on your followers, and in motivating them to do their part in the fight against the disease.


Of course, the essence of POD businesses is still to sell products that are crafted with care and creativity. Thus, another way you can support Breast Cancer Awareness Month is by coming up with products that not only reflect your brand but also inform and empower your customers.

For instance, you can create and sell shirts, pins, posters, and tote bags with slogans and saying like the following:

  • Breast Cancer Does Not Discriminate
  • Early Detection Saves Lives
  • Be Aware, Be Informed, Do Your Part
  • Think Pink
  • It Takes Everyone to Fight Breast Cancer
  • Ladies and Gents, Get Checked!

You can also use quotes along with the iconic pink ribbon to create more impactful designs.


Now, if you want to take things a step further, you can also use your POD business as a way to support breast cancer patients and survivors. Here’s how:

Support or Partner With a Local or National Breast Cancer Organization

Apart from selling merch that highlight the cause, you can also choose to partner with or support a local or national breast cancer organization. You can do this by donating a portion of your proceeds or making merch designs which they can use for their own awareness campaigns.

Not only will this help you show your support in a more concrete way, but it can also help increase the reach of the organization you’re partnering with.

Give Your Time or Volunteer for a Local Event

If you have the time, you can also choose to give back by volunteering for a local breast cancer event. You can help with the planning and organization, or you can even be a speaker during the event itself.

This is a great way to connect with people who are directly affected by breast cancer, and to show them your support in a more personal way. You can also promote such projects or initiatives on your business’ social media pages to encourage others to do the same.

Other Cancer Awareness Events You Can Get Involved In

If you want to do more than just take part in Breast Cancer Awareness Month, then you can also choose to participate in other similar initiatives.

Other cancer awareness months according to Choose Hope include the following:

  • January – Cervical Cancer
  • March – Anal Cancer, Kidney cancer, Multiple Myeloma, and Colon Cancer
  • June – National Cancer Survival Month
  • September – Leukemia, Ovarian Cancer, Childhood Cancer, Uterine Cancer, Lymphoma, Prostate Cancer, and Thyroid Cancer
  • November – Stomach Cancer, Lung Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer, and Neuroendocrine Cancer

Apart from these cancer awareness months, you can also take part in other local events that promote health and wellness in your community. Doing so can help you establish your business as one that cares not only about profit but also about the betterment of society.

Ready to Get Involved?

Participating in events like Breast Cancer Awareness Month is just one of the many ways you can use your print on demand business to make a difference. By spreading information and raising awareness, you can possibly help save lives and provide your audience who may be affected by the disease some solace and comfort.

So what are you waiting for? Do your magic and start creating those designs that can empower, support, and inform your customers today!

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