14 Shopify Marketing Tips Every POD Merchant Should Know

Itzel Fonseca

7 mins read

With over a billion dollars worth of revenue during just the first quarter of 2022, Shopify is certainly one of today’s most popular and promising eCommerce platforms. And with more than 2.5 million stores in the US alone, it’s no wonder that the platform is also one of the most competitive.

To help you get ahead of the competition, we’ve put together a list of 14 Shopify marketing tips that every POD merchant should know.

Tip #1: Invest in the Right Tools

Apart from being one of the easiest and most convenient platforms to use, Shopify also has a wide range of both built-in and third-party tools to help you market and grow your store.

Some of the most essential Shopify marketing apps that you should consider investing in include:

A Good Email Marketing Tool

Email marketing apps like Omnisend and Shopify Email are a must if you plan on utilizing your email list which we’ll discuss further in Tip #7 These apps make it easy to send out automated email sequences as well as one-off broadcasts to your list and come with a wide range of features like sign-up forms, abandoned cart emails, order follow-ups, and more.

An Upselling and Cross-Selling App

Increasing your average order value is one of the most effective ways to grow your business and several apps can help you do just that. By offering relevant product recommendations at key points in the buyer’s journey, you can encourage customers to add more items to their cart and boost your AOV.

Some of the upselling and cross-selling apps popular on Shopify are Selleasy, ReConvert, and Frequently Bought Together.

A UGC Tracker

A UGC tracker and management tool like Archive keeps you from missing any user-generated content (UGC) that could be used to promote your products. The app also makes it easy to curate and showcase UGC on your website and social media channels.

A Social Media Scheduling Tool

Of course, you can’t do any effective Shopify social media marketing without a good scheduling tool. This will help you save time by allowing you to batch-create and schedule social media posts in advance.

Outfy and Marsello are among the social media scheduling and automation apps that you can find on the store.

An Analytics Tool

Analytics tools are essential for understanding how your marketing efforts are performing and making data-driven decisions. Google Analytics is a popular free option but there are also many great Shopify-specific analytics apps like Tydo and Analyzify.

Tip #2:  Use Shopify’s eCommerce Reporting

Of course, your Shopify store comes with its eCommerce reporting feature that can give you insights into your store’s performance. To access it, simply go to “Analytics” in your Shopify admin.

Here, you’ll find many reports on your store’s sales, orders, customers, products, and more. These reports can be generated for specific periods and can be exported as CSV files for further analysis.

Tracking these metrics regularly will give you a good idea of what’s working and what’s not so that you can adjust your strategy accordingly.

Tip #3: Make Sure Your Product Images Are Optimized

That’s right! You can optimize your product images for better Shopify SEO which can help you rank higher in search results and get more organic traffic to your store.

The magic lies in the file name, alt text, and title of your product images. Make sure to use relevant keywords in all three of these fields and avoid using generic terms like “product image” or “photo”.

Tip #4: Use High-Converting Product Descriptions

To boost your Shopify conversion rate, make sure that your product descriptions are well-written and persuasive. They should be concise but informative and should highlight the key features and benefits of your products.

It’s also a good idea to add other rich media like videos and images to your product pages to make them more engaging.

Tip #5: SEO is Key

Whether it’s in your product descriptions,  image file names, or blog posts, make sure to use relevant keywords throughout your website to help improve your chances of ranking in search engine results.

Additionally, you can use Shopify’s built-in SEO features to further optimize your website for search engines. To do this, simply go to “Online Store” > “Preferences” in your Shopify admin and scroll down to the “Search engine listing preview” section.

Tip #6: Group Your Customers for More Targeted Marketing

Shopify also has a built-in feature called Customer Segments. This lets you classify and group your customers based on certain criteria like location, order history, and more.

You can then use these customer segments to create targeted marketing campaigns that are more likely to convert. To access this feature, simply go to “Customers” > “Segments” in your Shopify admin.

Tip #7: Build and Utilize Your Email List

Email marketing is still one of the most effective marketing channels out there. In fact, a recent study showed that it can yield an ROI of $36 for every dollar spent.

That’s why it’s important to have an email list and to start building it as early as possible. You can do this by adding an email signup form to your website and offering incentives like discounts and free shipping to encourage people to join.

Once you have a sizable list, you can start sending out targeted email campaigns to boost your conversion rate.

Tip #8: Use Urgency and Scarcity Tactics

These marketing tactics never get old but they do require some finesse to pull off. You don’t want to come across as too pushy or sales-y but you do want to let customers know that there’s a limited time to take advantage of your offer.

One way to do this is to add a countdown timer to your website. This creates a sense of urgency and encourages people to buy before it’s too late. You can also use scarcity tactics like “Only 2 left in stock!” to increase the urgency.

Tip #9: Provide Your Visitors Something to Look Forward To

Selling isn’t the only thing you can do with your website. You can also use it to build relationships with your customers and keep them coming back for more.

One way to do this is by starting your blog or podcast. This gives you a chance to connect with your audience on a deeper level and provide them with valuable content that they can enjoy.

If you are an expert in your niche, you can also start offering crash courses or tutorial videos. This is a great way to build trust and credibility with your audience while also providing them with something of value.

Tip #10: Start a Referral or Affiliate Program

One great way to get the word out about your products is to start a referral or affiliate program. This is where people who promote your products get a commission for every sale they generate.

Referral programs are a great way to incentivize people to spread the word about your business. And if you have a solid affiliate program, you can attract influencers and other big names in your industry to promote your products.

Referral Candy and other similar apps can help you set up and manage your referral program. For affiliate programs, you can use Shopify’s affiliate tracking tools.

Tip #11: Create a Rewards Program

Another great way to keep customers coming back is to create a rewards program. This is where people can earn points for every purchase they make, which they can then redeem for discounts, free products, and other exclusive offers.

While the main purpose of a rewards program is to boost customer retention, it’s also a great marketing strategy that can encourage first-time buyers to spend more and be loyal to your brand.

You can use apps like BON: Rewards, Loyalty Program to create and keep track of your rewards program.

Tip #12: Use Pop-Ups Strategically

Pop-up ads can be annoying, but they can also be effective if used correctly. The key is to use them sparingly and only when it makes sense. For example, you can use a pop-up to offer a discount to first-time visitors or people who abandon their cart.

Just make sure that your pop-ups are relevant and not too intrusive. You don’t want to turn people off with your marketing tactics.

Tip #13: Make Use of User-Generated Content

Earlier, we mentioned UGC trackers as one of the tools you can use to market your business. But UGC can also be a great marketing strategy in and of itself.

User-generated content is any kind of content that’s created by your customers or fans. This can include things like product reviews, social media posts, and even blog articles.

One great way to get UGC is to run a contest or offer a giveaway. This will encourage people to create content for you while also giving them a chance to win something.

Another way to get UGC is to simply ask your customers or fans to submit their content. For example, you can create a hashtag for people to use when they post about your products on social media.

Tip #14: Recognize the Power of Social Proof

UGC is a form of social proof but not all of them may be visible to your casual or first-time site visitors. This is why highlighting reviews and testimonials in your Shopify store should still be part of your marketing strategy.

Buyers are more likely to purchase from a store that’s been recommended by others. If you have existing customers, try asking them to leave a review of your products. You can also highlight customer testimonials on your product pages or in your checkout process.

Some Things to Consider

Ready to level up your Shopify marketing game? Here are some things you should keep in mind before you start:

Your Budget

While Shopify offers a number of free marketing tools and apps, some of the more effective ones come with a price tag. Consider your budget when planning your marketing strategy so you don’t end up overspending or subscribing to a plan you can’t afford.

Your Plans for Scaling

Even if you’re just starting, it’s important to think about how you’ll scale your business in the future. This should reflect in your current marketing efforts which can set up your store for success down the road.

Your Target Market

At the end of the day, every ad, content, and design in your store should be geared toward attracting your target market. Keep this in mind when planning your marketing strategy so you don’t end up wasting time and resources on tactics that won’t work.

Your Competitors

Finding the balance between being unique while still being able to compete with similar brands can be tricky. But it’s important to consider your competitors when planning your marketing strategy so you have a better chance of standing out from the crowd.

Aside from tracking your own marketing KPIs, keep tabs on your competitors as well. This way, you can learn from their successes and avoid making the same mistakes they do.

Your Existing Channels

Don’t forget about the channels you’re already using to market your business. These can be a great starting point for your Shopify marketing efforts. For example, if you already have a following on social media, you can use that to drive traffic to your store.

You can also promote your Shopify website if you have a shop on marketplaces like Etsy and Amazon. For instance, you can post some of your designs or products on these sites and direct them to your Shopify store if they want to purchase personalized ones or other variants which you may not offer on those platforms.

Time and Resources

Last but not the least, you need to consider how much time and resources you’re willing to invest in your Shopify marketing efforts. If you’re short on budget, you can start with free or low-cost marketing tactics. If you have more to spare, you can consider paid ads or hiring an agency to help with your marketing.

You also need to think about how much time you’re eager to spend on marketing activities. If selling on Shopify is more of a side hustle for you, consider automation or tools that can help you save time on marketing tasks.

Here’s to Successful Shopify Marketing!

We hope this guide has given you some ideas on how you can level up your Shopify marketing game. Whether you’re just getting started or you’re looking for ways to take your store to the next level, we wish you all the best in your journey to success!

For more marketing and e-commerce tips, check out our blog every week!

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