7 Tips to Write Product Descriptions That Sell

Alex Galindo

5 mins read

They say pictures are worth a thousand words. But when it comes to selling products, you actually need a combination of both. The perfect product descriptions will mix persuasive writing with just the right amount of visual elements to stop shoppers in their tracks, and make them click “add to cart” or even better, “buy now.”

But how exactly do you write compelling product descriptions without annoying your potential customers? And how do you achieve the perfect balance of informative and snappy copy without sounding like a used-car salesman?

 In this article, we’ll discuss some helpful tips on how you can improve your product descriptions and make sure they actually bring in sales.

Why Product Descriptions Matter

Before we get into the tips, let’s first discuss why product descriptions are so important despite all the other elements such as images and reviews that are present on a product page.

Well, think about it—when you’re shopping online, you can’t physically touch or try out the products you’re interested in. So the next best thing is to read about it and get as much information as possible before making a decision. This is where product descriptions come in. 

A good product description will give shoppers a clear idea of what the product is, what it does, and why they need it. If your customers only had pictures to go off of, they might not be able to get a sense of the product’s actual size, shape, color, or weight. And, of course, you wouldn’t want to disappoint them and have your products posted as another “expectation vs reality” meme, now would you?

In other words, product descriptions are important because they give your customers the details they need to make an informed purchase decision. And if you can do that without being too “sales-y,” you’ll be able to close the deal more often. 

Hence, without further ado, here are our tips on writing product descriptions that can make you some serious moolah.

#1 Know Your Audience

You’ve probably done your research during the first stages of setting up your business so this should be a no-brainer. However, it’s important to keep your target audience in mind with every step of your marketing process, and that includes writing product descriptions.

If you think about it, the way you talk to an 18-year-old girl looking for the perfect prom dress is going to be different from the way you talk to a 60-year-old man looking for some gardening gloves. In other words, the language you use, the style of writing, and even the tone should be adjusted accordingly.

For example, if you’re selling products aimed at teenagers, you might want to use a more casual and friendly tone. On the other hand, if your products are targeting business professionals, you might want to use a more formal tone in your product descriptions. 

Speaking to your target audience in such a way that they can relate to will make them feel more connected to your brand and more likely to make a purchase.

#2 Keep It Concise

No, you don’t have to write a whole essay to convince your customers to buy your product. In fact, you probably shouldn’t.

Remember, people have short attention spans, and they’re not going to want to read a wall of text just to find out whether or not your product is actually worth their time and money. So, the key is to be concise.

Start with the most important details and make sure they’re within your first 200 words. You can always include additional information further down the page, but make sure the essential details are upfront and easy to find. These would include things like the product’s dimensions, expiry date, color, weight, and so on.

Instead of posting a whole block of text, you can also break it up into bullet points or smaller paragraphs with headlines. This will make your product descriptions more skimmable and easier to read.

#3 Avoid Clichés & Jargons

Not all visitors to your website will be familiar with the technical terms and jargon related to your product. So, unless you’re targeting a very specific niche audience, it’s best to avoid using too much of it in your product descriptions.

The same goes for clichés. You might be tempted to use them to sound more “sales-y” or to cram in as many keywords as possible. But trust us, your customers will be able to see right through that. Not only will it make your product descriptions sound inauthentic, but it will also turn potential buyers away.

So, instead of using jargon or clichés, opt for simple language that everyone can understand. This will make your product descriptions more relatable and easier to digest.

#4 Showcase the Product’s Best Features

how to increase online sales

It’s you who know your product better than anyone else, so it should be easy for you to identify which features would be the most appealing to your target audience. And these are the things you should be highlighting in your product descriptions.

Keep in mind, however, that simply listing out the features of your product is not enough. You need to actually show your customers how these features will benefit them.

For example, if you’re selling eco-friendly tote bags, you could highlight the fact that they’re made of sustainable and durable material with multiple compartments. You can also give a few examples of items they can carry in the bag, such as groceries, books, a laptop, and so on.

#5 Use the Right Tags and Keywords

It’s the keywords that will help your customers find your product in the first place, so it’s important to include them in your product descriptions. But instead of just throwing in a bunch of random keywords, you need to be strategic about it.

Your keywords should be relevant to your product and audience, and they should be used in a way that sounds natural. Forcing in keywords just for the sake of it will not only make your product descriptions sound awkward, but it will also hurt your SEO.

In addition to using the right keywords, you should also make use of tags. Tags are another great way to help potential customers find your products, and they can also be used to organize them on your website. For example, if you’ve got an online clothing store, you might have tags for different categories like “men’s shirts”, “women’s dresses”, “kids’ clothes”, etc.

#6 Make it Difficult to Resist

Your potential buyer is already on your website and is interested in your product. So, your job now is to convince them to actually buy it. And the best way to do that is by making your product descriptions as persuasive as possible.

This doesn’t mean you need to resort to hard selling or pushy tactics. Instead, focus on highlighting the unique selling points of your products and the added value they offer.

Let’s go back to the example of eco-friendly tote bags. Instead of simply listing its features and uses, you could talk about how it’s a great alternative to plastic bags and how it helps reduce waste. You could also mention that every purchase helps support environmental causes in case you’re partnered with any.

By showing your potential customers how your products can make their lives better, you’ll be able to write product descriptions that are impossible to resist.

#7 A/B Test Your Product Descriptions

Feeling like you’ve finally nailed the perfect product description? Let’s test that theory!

The best way to know for sure if your product descriptions are effective is by doing A/B tests. This involves creating two versions of your product descriptions and then testing to see which one performs better.

There are a few different things you can test, such as the length of your descriptions, the tone, the use of keywords, and so on. Once you’ve decided what to test, simply create two versions of your descriptions and then track the results.

Over time, you’ll be able to figure out which elements work best for your audience and use that to create even more successful product descriptions for the rest of your collection.

Write Your Way to More Sales!

effective copywriting for product descriptions

While at the end of the day, it’s the actual product that matters most, the way you present it can make a big difference in whether or not customers decide to buy. With the right curation of words and a good understanding of your shoppers, you’ll be able to write product descriptions that will make them want to add your products to their carts and check out right away!

Check out the Awkward Styles blog for more strategies on how to grow your print on demand online store!

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