How To Build a Shopify Landing Page That Converts

Carter McCue

7 mins read

Build a perfect Shopify landing page.

Nowadays, having a website for your business is crucial. But it’s only half the battle.

With new brands and online stores popping up every single day, standing out from the crowd has never been harder. So how do you now make sure your business website is not only getting seen, but also generating leads and sales?

Welcome to the world of landing pages.

A well-crafted landing page can be the difference between a successful online campaign and a total flop. But what exactly is a landing page and how do you create one that will work for your business?

In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about creating a high-converting Shopify landing page to give you a leg up on the competition.

What’s the Deal with Landing Pages?

“I already have a working website and social media pages, do I really need to create a separate landing page?”

If you’re asking yourself this, then you’re not alone. Many business owners are still unaware of the power and potential of landing pages. Little do they know, a good landing page can do wonders for their business.

In fact, according to HubSpot’s reports, brands that grow the number of their landing pages up to around 10-15 see a boost in their leads by 55%. And it’s without a doubt that the more leads you generate, the more sales you’re likely to close and the better your brand becomes known.

But that’s not all.

Landing pages can also help you segment your traffic and target a specific audience more effectively. When you set up a landing page for a specific campaign, you can track its performance and see which marketing channels are driving the most traffic and conversions.

This data is invaluable as it allows you to fine-tune your marketing strategy and make the necessary changes to improve your results.

What’s a Shopify Landing Page, Exactly?

Think of your Shopify website as your online storefront. It’s there to give visitors general information about your brand, product, or service.

On the other hand, a landing page is a specific page that’s designed with one purpose in mind – to convert visitors into leads or customers.

A Shopify landing page is built and hosted on the Shopify platform and is used to promote and sell products or services. It typically contains elements like images, videos, forms, and call-to-actions (CTAs) that are designed to persuade visitors to take a specific action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter.

Landing Page vs. Product Page

Alright, but how does it differ from a product page?

A product page is also a specific page on your website that’s designed to promote and sell products. However, unlike landing pages, product pages are a part of your overall website and are typically linked to from your navigation menu.

Product pages also tend to be more comprehensive, containing detailed information about the product, such as specs, features, and reviews.

On the other hand, landing pages are stand-alone pages that are not linked to from your website’s navigation. They’re usually only accessible via links in an email campaign, social media post, or an online ad.

How Do You Create One?

Let’s cut to the chase – creating a Shopify landing page is not as difficult or time-consuming as you might think. In fact, you can make one within minutes by simply going to your Shopify online store and clicking “Add Page” in the Pages tab of your admin panel.

However, if you want to step it up a bit and you’re pretty familiar with Shopify’s programming language, you can use Liquid to craft a custom landing page from scratch. 

You can get the specific codes you need depending on the rich text editor you use in this in-depth guide.

The Anatomy of a Perfect Shopify Landing Page

Every pixel of a Shopify landing page matters.

Now that you know the basics, it’s time to get into the nitty-gritty of creating a high-converting Shopify landing page. Here’s a quick rundown of the essential elements your page needs:

A Catchy, Relevant Headline

Chances are, your viewers will make a split-second decision on whether to stay or leave your site based on your headline. So it’s important that you make a good first impression by having an attention-grabbing one that directly speaks to their needs.

Your headline should be short, sweet, and to the point. It should also be large enough to be easily seen and readable, even on smaller screens.

If you want to add a bit of flair to your headline, you can use an engaging image or video that supports your message. Just make sure it’s not too big or overwhelming, as this will only serve to distract your viewers.

You can check out some of the best landing page headlines and designs here for some inspos. 

A Subheading that Elaborates on Your Headline

Your headline should be able to stand on its own, but a relevant and well-written subheading can further drive home your point.

Think of your subheading as an opportunity to elaborate on your headline and give your viewers a better idea of what they can expect from your page.

It should be concise and clear, much like your headline. But it can be a bit longer, as long as it doesn’t exceed a couple of sentences.

A Compelling Offer

Now, the offer may be part of the headline itself but it can also be its own separate element.

For example, the purpose of your landing page is to promote a sale or a discount on your new products. In this case, your offer would be something like “Get 50% off your purchase today!”

Your offer should be clear, concise, and hard to resist. It should also be relevant to your target audience and aligned with your overall business goals.

Offers presented on a Shopify landing page can promote sales.

A Clear Call-to-Action (CTA)

What now? 

That’s what your viewers will be asking themselves after they’ve read your headline, subheading, and offer.

Your CTA should tell them exactly what you want them to do next, whether it’s to sign up for your newsletter, download a free ebook, or make a purchase.

Apart from being clear and concise, your CTA should also be visible and easy to spot. The best way to do this is to use a contrasting color that stands out against the rest of your page.

It’s also worth mentioning that personalized smart CTAs are now a thing. These are CTAs that change based on the viewer’s behavior and interactions with your site. And according to Jeffrey Vocell, they can boost conversion rates by as much as 202% better than generic CTAs.

Superb Visuals

You’ve got a message, an irresistible offer, and a clear CTA. But if your page is full of low-quality visuals, all your hard work will go to waste.

Your images, videos, and graphics should be high-resolution and relevant to your page’s purpose. They should also be placed strategically to guide your viewers’ eyes towards your most important elements.

If you’re not sure where to start, you can check out some stunning examples of visuals on landing pages here.

Subtle yet Effective Use of Trust Signals

Trust signals, according to WordStream, are those little touches that let your prospects know they can trust you, leading to higher conversion rates.

Ever seen those “As seen on” and “Money-back guarantee” badges on sites? Those are trust signals.

While you don’t want to go overboard with these, a few strategically placed ones can do wonders for your page’s conversion rate. Just make sure they’re relevant and not too obtrusive. The last thing you want is for your trust signals to come across as spammy or sales-y.

Social Proof

Social proof is another form of trust signal that’s based on the idea that people are more likely to do something if they see others doing it. 

These are the customer testimonials and reviews you see on sites. If you’re selling products, social proof takes the form of product ratings and reviews.

While you don’t always need social proof on your landing page, it can be a powerful tool, especially if your main purpose is to sell something. In fact, according to Unbounce, pages with customer photos and testimonials convert up to 1.1% better than those without. This number may not seem so significant but it can make a big difference in your conversion rates and overall sales, especially if you’re getting a lot of traffic to your site.

Testimonials and other social proofs can improve the conversion rate of your Shopify landing page.

Lead Capturing Form

Make the most out of your landing page by including a lead capture form. This is a form that asks your viewers for their contact information in exchange for something valuable, like a free ebook or a discount on their purchase.

Your form should be short and straight to the point, only asking for the information you need. The fewer fields there are, the more likely your viewers are to actually fill it out.

You should also make sure your form is visible and easy to find. The best way to do this is to place it above the fold, which is the area of your page that’s visible without scrolling.

Ongoing Testing & Optimization

Of course, your work doesn’t stop once your landing page is up and running. You need to continuously test and optimize your page to ensure that it’s performing as well as it can.

This means regularly split testing different elements of your page, like your headline, CTA, and visuals, to see what works best. You should also keep an eye on your page’s conversion rate and bounce rate and make changes accordingly.

Land New Customers with Your Very Own Shopify Landing Page Today!

And there you have it! These are the essential elements of a high-converting Shopify landing page. With a strong message, a compelling offer, and the right mix of elements, you’ll be able to land new customers and boost your sales in no time!

But in case you need eye-catching mockups for your landing page and online store, you can always use our free mockup generator! With just a few clicks, you can create awesome product shots that’ll not only beautify your Shopify landing page but also make your viewers hit the purchase button right away!

Download the Awkward Styles app and start selling custom print on demand products today! Here’s a quick tutorial on how to connect your Shopify store to our service.

FAQs about Shopify Landing Pages

What’s a Shopify Landing Page?

A landing page is a standalone web page designed to capture a visitor’s attention and encourage a specific action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. It is important for an online store because it allows you to focus on a single objective, minimize distractions, and guide visitors towards conversion.

What are some key elements that should be included in a high-converting landing page?

Some key elements to include in a high-converting landing page are:

  • A captivating headline that grabs attention.
  • A clear and concise value proposition.
  • Engaging and persuasive copy that highlights benefits.
  • High-quality visuals, such as product images or demo videos.
  • Social proof in the form of testimonials or reviews.
  • Trust indicators like security badges or money-back guarantees.
  • A prominent and compelling call-to-action (CTA).

Should I use pre-built landing page templates or design my own from scratch?

It depends on your design skills, time constraints, and specific requirements. Pre-built landing page templates can save time and offer a solid foundation for your design. However, designing your own from scratch allows for more customization and control over the layout and aesthetics. Choose the option that aligns with your resources and goals.

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This blog contains some affiliate links. We may earn a commission if you use these links to buy something (at no added cost to you).

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