Perks and Freebie Ideas to Show Your Customers Some TLC

Itzel Fonseca

6 mins read

Apart from constantly attracting and acquiring new customers, one of the things you should focus on as a business owner is to keep your current ones. They say it’s around five, up to 25 times cheaper to retain existing buyers than to find and get potential ones. Thus, keeping them happy and loyal to your brand should be one of your priorities. One way to achieve this is by giving them perks and freebies from time to time. This will not only make them feel appreciated but will also tempt them to keep coming back for more. And if you’re not sure where to begin, we’ve compiled a list of freebie ideas and tips to help you get started!

Why Give Customers Freebies?

Before we get into the different freebie ideas of what you can give your customers, let’s first dig deeper into why you should be doing this in the first place.

Here are a few reasons:

It’s a Cost-Effective Way To Show You Care

Two of the things most consumers care about when it comes to businesses would be friendly customer service and a personalized shopping experience. And according to LOCALiQ, showing customer appreciation is one of the most cost-effective ways to provide both.

When you give your target market freebies, they feel taken care of and valued. As a result, they are more likely to keep coming back and turn into lifelong fans and promoters of your brand eventually.

It’s also important to note that increasing your customer retention rate to 5% can potentially boost your profits by 25%, or even up to 95% (Bain & Company, Inc.). Hence, as you entice more existing shoppers to continue supporting your business, you also improve your bottom line in the process.

It Helps You Stand Out From The Competition

Customer relationships can also be likened to friendships and even romantic commitments. Once you’ve found your ideal match, you do everything you can to keep them, right?

The same principle applies in business. You want to find ways to differentiate your brand from the rest so they won’t even bat an eyelash when your competitor comes knocking at their door.

And one way to do so is by giving out freebies. This way, you’re not only making them feel valued but you’re also subconsciously planting the idea that no other business can give them what you can.

It Can Potentially Drive User Generated Content (UGC) and More Engagements

If a customer loves what you’ve given them, there’s a high chance they’ll post about it on social media or even review your products or services online.

Nowadays, UGC or user-generated content is one of the most powerful marketing tools as it has a way of boosting engagements and conversions. After all, people are more likely to believe real-life experiences of other consumers like them over what businesses say about themselves.

It Creates a Lasting Impression

Ever got an unexpected gift from someone and it just made your day? Well, that’s how your customers feel too when you give them freebies.

It creates a lasting positive impression that can make them think of your brand even when they’re not actively shopping. So, the next time they need what you offer, your business will be the first one that comes to mind.

Some Perks and Freebie Ideas

Now, let’s move on to the fun part! Below are some of the best perks and freebies you can give your customers to show them some love.

Discount and Cashback Vouchers

freebie ideas, customer loyalty program ideas, how to increase customer loyalty

Nowadays, almost every business offers some sort of discount or cashback to their customers. This is because apart from allowing you to show appreciation, it’s also an effective way to better drive sales and entice your shoppers to purchase more.

And the best part is, you can get as creative as you want with this. You can give out percentage-based discounts, tiered discounts (e.g., 10% off for purchases below $100, 15% for those between $100-$200, and so on), or BOGO or buy one get one deals.

One of the perfect opportunities to give out such vouchers would be when a new customer registers on your site or during special occasions like anniversaries, holidays, and birthdays.

Free Shipping

I mean, with all the prices going up, who wouldn’t love free shipping?

Even statistics show that shoppers are at least four times more likely to buy from a store if they won’t have to pay for shipping. Hence, by giving your target market this perk, you’re further increasing the chance of growing your sales and ROI.

You can either give out free shipping vouchers or set a minimum order value so customers can avail of the perk. Just make sure that it’s something that won’t put a dent in your business’ finances.

Personalized Tokens

Of course, tangible and customized gifts always make a lasting impression. And one of the best things you can give your customers are personalized tokens which they can use or even display in their homes or offices. Some examples are the following:

As you may have noticed, most of these are small, inexpensive items that can still pack a punch when it comes to making your customers feel appreciated!

Customer Loyalty Program Membership and Points

print on demand freebie ideas, how to increase customer loyalty ecommerce

When it comes to online shopping, one of the things customers look forward to is the membership or points they can get which they can eventually redeem for freebies or discounts. In fact, almost 60% of those who use the internet for purchasing products say that loyalty or rewards programs are among the facets they value the most in their shopping experience.

Thus, giving away free memberships and a certain number of points as a sign of appreciation is also a great way to make your customers feel valued. Plus, the rewards that come with the loyalty program can further entice them to buy more and remain loyal to your brand.

Store Anniversary Merch

promotional gifts, freebie ideas for customers, customer loyalty ideas

Celebrating your milestones and small wins is also a great opportunity to show your customers some love. And one way to do it is by giving out store anniversary merch.

This could be in the form of stickers, tote bags, or even T-shirts with your store’s anniversary date or a special slogan. Customers would love getting their hands on these not only because they’re freebies but also because it’s a great way for them to show support for your brand!

New Product Samples

If you’re launching a new product, you can hit two birds with one stone by giving out free samples. Not only will you be able to introduce your target market to your latest offerings, but you’ll also be able to show appreciation for their support.

Do take note, however, that you should only give out samples of products that are related to your current line. For instance, if you’re selling customized home decor essentials, giving out free samples of your newly-launched scented candles would be a great idea.

Thank-you Cards

While this may seem like a small gesture, sending out thank-you cards to your customers is actually a great way to show your appreciation. You can either send these cards individually or include them in the orders of your most loyal customers.

What’s important is that you put a personal touch to each card so your customers would feel that you’re genuinely grateful for their support!

Tips on Giving Perks and Freebies

Found your perfect freebie? It’s time to start planning how you’ll be giving it out to your customers!

Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

Time It Right

Everything has its own timing, and this includes giving out freebies. Make sure to time it right so you can make the most out of your promotional campaign. For instance, if you’re giving out freebies to celebrate your store’s anniversary, it would be best to launch the campaign a few weeks before the big day.

This would give you enough time to promote it and get people excited about the freebies they can get. Plus, it would also allow you to properly plan everything out so you can avoid any hiccups on the day itself!

Choose Your Customers Carefully

Not everyone deserves a freebie, and this is something you need to keep in mind when planning your campaign. After all, you don’t want to give away your products or services for free to just anyone.

Instead, focus on giving them to your most loyal and active buyers. You can also assess first the CLV or the customer lifetime value of your prospects. This metric will tell you how much a customer is worth to your business, and it would be a great way to determine who deserves your extra perks and freebies.

Make Sure It’s Something They’ll Appreciate

Whichever item or digital freebie you choose, make sure it’s something your target market would actually love and appreciate. There’s no point in giving out freebies if they’re just going to end up in the trash, so put some thought into it!

Don’t Go Overboard

At the end of the day, your main goal is to strengthen customer relationships and improve your bottom line. With that in mind, don’t go overboard with your freebies.

You don’t need to compromise your profit margins just to give out free stuff, so make sure you’re still being strategic about it. Know how much you can afford to spend and stick to that budget.

Ready to Build and Strengthen Customer Relationships?

Making customers stay and continue doing business with you can be challenging, but it’s definitely doable with the right strategies in place. And one of the best ways to do that is by giving out freebies!

Just keep in mind that whichever freebie you’ve decided to give and however you plan on distributing it, the kind of relationship you want to build with your customers should always be at the forefront of your strategy.

Want to know more about successfully marketing your online store and print-on-demand business? Be sure to check out our blog!

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