Bayside 5040 | Plain Wholesale Unisex USA-Made Midweight T-Shirt
[id] => 376
[sku] => 5040
[name] => Bayside - Unisex USA-Made Midweight T-Shirt - 5040
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[short_name] => Unisex USA-Made Midweight T-Shirt
[short_name_blank] => Bayside 5040 | Plain Wholesale Unisex USA-Made Midweight T-Shirt
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[start_price] => 15.49
[start_price_premium] => 12.49
[description] => Feel the difference in quality with the Unisex USA-Made Midweight T-Shirt, a premium choice for everyday wear.
[location] => ["front","back","right sleeve","left sleeve","outside label"]
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[material] => Cotton
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[lastmod_time] => 2024-05-10 08:33:03
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[dtf_start_price] => 15.49
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[blank_start_price_premium] => 7.35
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[search_name] => Bayside - Unisex USA-Made Midweight T-Shirt 5040 Unisex USA-Made Midweight T-Shirt Bayside 5040 | Plain Wholesale Unisex USA-Made Midweight T-shirt
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Feel the difference in quality with the Unisex USA-Made Midweight T-Shirt, a premium choice for everyday wear.