Lane Seven LST007 | Plain Wholesale Unisex Vintage Shorts
[id] => 124
[sku] => LST007
[name] => Lane Seven - Unisex Vintage Shorts - LST007
[is_image] => 1
[is_image_blank] => 0
[short_name] => Unisex Vintage Shorts
[short_name_blank] => Lane Seven LST007 | Plain Wholesale Unisex Vintage Shorts
[brand] => 7
[department] => ["4","6"]
[department_blank] => ["6","12"]
[category] => ["19"]
[category_blank] => ["6"]
[colors] => ["85","87","91","93","99","129"]
[default_color_id] => 85
[color_custom_name] =>
[sizes] => ["1","2","3","4","5","6"]
[default_size_id] => 1
[size_custom_name] =>
[start_price] => 17.95
[start_price_premium] => 14.95
[description] => These cotton shorts will add a touch of vintage charm to your style. They're durable and versatile. It has a dyed design and a back pocket. Combine them with whatever you want.
[location] => ["front","back"]
[location_dtg] => ["front", "back"]
[location_dtf] =>
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[care_instructions] => ["1","3","4","5","7"]
[features] => ["41","168"]
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[related_products] => ["54","55","164","166"]
[image_selection_attribute] => color
[etsy_taxonomy_id] => 471
[material] => Combed ringspun cotton
[print_on_sides] => 0
[shipping_category_ids] => ["20"]
[disabled_crop_print_img] => 0
[new] => 0
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[lastmod_time] => 2023-01-04 11:57:52
[test_colors] =>
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[jewelry] => 0
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[dtf_start_price] => 0
[dtf_start_price_premium] => 0
[available_printing_techniques] => ["dtg"]
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[blank_start_price] => 9.62
[blank_start_price_premium] => 8.81
[thickness] => ["7"]
[youtube_video] =>
[search_name] => Lane Seven - Unisex Vintage Shorts - LST007 Unisex Vintage Shorts Lane Seven LST007 | Plain Wholesale Unisex Vintage Shorts blank stylish comfortable casual retro soft
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[quantity] =>
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These cotton shorts will add a touch of vintage charm to your style. They're durable and versatile. It has a dyed design and a back pocket. Combine them with whatever you want.
Product Details
Fabric Detail Features
Style & Fit
Size Guidelines
Pricing & Inventory
The times listed are estimates, but not guaranteed, and do not include production times.
Size | First item | Additional item |
Size | First item | Additional item |
Size | First item | Additional item |
Size | First item | Additional item |
Size | First item | Additional item |
Size | First item | Additional item |
Size | First item | Additional item |